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Welcome in Wirmax!

You are in the online shop dedicated to the industry TLC.

Wirmax.net is reserved to companies and professionals with a VAT, logged and enabled.


To register to our site click the link "Create Account" in the top navigation bar and enter the requested information in the registration form.

Il link Crea un account

After the completion of the registration, Your account will have to be enabled by wirmax to see prices and make purchases.

This operation is usually carried out in a few minutes and in any case in the shortest time possible.

An email sent to your mailbox, will confirm the full enabling of your account.

After that, simply clicking on the Login link and entering your credentials, you will be able to visualize prices and buy products on Wirmax.

Il link Accedi

Reserved Area

After logging in, instead of the link Login and Create an account, you'll find your username and the link Exit (to log out), and you will be taken directly to your private area.

Remember that you can return to this page at any time by clicking on your username in the top navigation bar.

Here you can manage your data, view order history and range of discount that we have in store, as well as find out how to access even larger discounts!

You can also view and manage your wish list and your favorite products.


The wishlist is a useful tool to not lose sight of the products that interest you, and especially you think or want to purchase in the future. You can add a product by clicking on the button shown.

Il pulsante Aggiungi alla Lista dei desideri

Favourite Products

The Favorite Products are those you buy more frequently. To have they always handy will save time when ordering.

You can add a product to the list by clicking the button shown in the figure; you will find it in the tab of each product.

Il pulsante Aggiungi ai Preferiti

We can do is to wish you good shopping on Wirmax and remind you that, if you need , you can contact us at our addresses that are below, in the footer of the site.

If you want more information on the management of orders and shipments, please visit this page.

See also here the general conditions of sale.